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Visions and Values

                                 OUR SCHOOL VALUES

Our Vision

At Wherwell School, we offer a curriculum designed to equip children with the resilience, confidence, knowledge, skills and experience to enable them to thrive at school and in the future.

“Let’s Love to Learn and Thrive Together”.

Our Values

  • Respect
  • Care
  • Moral Responsibility
  • Resilience

Our One Rule

Always do the right thing!

Children wrote their Promise to the School in response to the School Mission Statement. This is the Wherwell Way......

Our Promise

We promise to be kind and friendly to other people and to respect them, otherwise we will not have any friends.

It is important that we look after the younger children in our school. 

Our teachers teach us lots of things, so we promise to always listen to them and respect them for what they do.

We promise to be honest and to want to learn, and we will do our best to be the best version of ourselves by working our hardest.

We will listen to the person who is talking and respect all the children in the school because we can learn from each other.

Treat people as we would want to be treated ourselves. Always join in and don’t be afraid to get it wrong. We will make sure that we “pull back the reins” and think before we say something that we might regret.

We should face challenges that are tricky and never give up because we can get past it, and then we will find it easy.

Never stop ourselves from learning.

To keep the promise to our school, we will never waste time because we won’t get it back.

Sometimes we need to have a different attitude to everyone else so that we do the right thing, which means we might have to ignore people. We will try not to let anything get in the way of our learning.

We must not be late for school.

It is important that we respect the environment and appreciate how lucky we are to be at such a lovely school.

British Values at Wherwell

At Wherwell Primary School, we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.

  A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

British Values

  • The Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

 To do this, our children will develop:

  • An understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process;
  • An understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law;
  • An acceptance that people having different faiths and beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of discriminatory behaviour;
  • An understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination.

Curriculum Intent

We promote and stimulate the love of learning by giving it a relevant context and meaning. Through a well-resourced environment, a belief in high standards and enrichment, we help our children feel safe, valued and confident. We provide challenge, in a meaningful context, to enable our children to become the insatiably curious, creative and responsible citizens of the future.

We recognise and value that each child is an individual.  Our curriculum provides a varied, yet tailored learning environment, where all children can develop as independent thinkers, with the curiosity and resilience to prepare them to become positive members of the community.

We will challenge the children “to be the best version of themselves” in everything that they do, and we will guide them to build strong and beneficial relationships. Our rich and varied curriculum builds on prior learning and focuses on the journey that pupils take, with the emphasis being on progression, not perfection. During the learning journey, we seek to promote self-belief and celebrate effort. 

Our curriculum will encourage children not just to be considerate individuals with a moral responsibility, but it will ensure they know how to value themselves and others and celebrate diversity.

Our school has a unique family ethos which remains at the heart of everything that we do. Our core values (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Care) underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which enables our pupils to be confident and happy people.

“Let’s Love to Learn and Thrive Together”.