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Safeguarding is our key priority. It is our School Promise that Children Come First, and ensuring their welfare is everyone's responsibility at Wherwell Primary School. The governors and the Senior Leaders are always looking at the best possible ways to ensure that children, staff and visitors feel safe and welcomed when visiting our school.

If you have any concerns about a school child, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Mandy Ovenden, Headteacher, or our Deputy DSL (DDSL) Miss Pip Gilbody. The school has invested in the latest technology and any concerns the staff have about a child are recorded through the CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System). All our staff has been fully trained on its use.

The school also has a Safeguarding Governor, Karen Bleazard, who ensures that all systems are in place and that communication regarding Safeguarding is up-to-date.

If you have any concerns regarding the Headteacher, then please contact the chair of governors, Mr Sean Hutton:

Here you can find our policies and key government information regarding safeguarding and child protection.